[MEDIUM BOUQUET] 6 Roses, Eucalyptus and Baby Breath Flower Bouquet

  • $58.00
    Unit price per 

Discover the perfect way to show your love and admiration with Bloop Balloons' variety of balloon packages. Surprise your friend or loved one with our unique and eye-catching bouquet of love. 


This bouquet definitely will wow your receiver and making it memorable

The price consist of:

1) 6 Roses, Eucalyptus and Baby Breath

2) Wrapper 

3) Ribbon


Total: $58


You can view the flower choice and flower wrapper color under the tab "Flower Bouquet'' in our Instagram Highlight @bloopballoons



Things to Note: Please note that not all floral arrangements will be the same and colors/type of the flower might change if it’s not in the season. It’s something that we cannot control. We will inform the buyer before we proceed to do the arrangement.

Personalised Balloon will be design uniquely just for you.The picture that you send can only be a source of reference only especially it came from other vendors. As a form of respect towards other , we can only do something similar and not replica everything from them.

Every product is unique, just like you. If you're looking for a product that fits the mold of your life, the [MEDIUM BOUQUET] 6 Roses, Eucalyptus and Baby Breath Flower Bouquet is for you.

Inventory Last Updated: Mar 12, 2025

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